BESST has brought to the Australian local companies products from International markets which are serving niche applications and highly specialized areas in the field of engineering. One such product is Martechnic® - since 1997 Martechnic® provides engineers and users products and solutions regarding the oil quality management of lubricant- and hydraulic oil such as marine distillate and marine residual fuels. Their analysis equipment is easy to handle and precise in measurement of its specific oil parameters.

Martechnic - what we offer?
Fuel, lube and hydraulic oils are crucial fluids for almost every application of the engine system. Within the framework of oil quality management Martechnic® designs and develops products, which enable engineers and users to assess the oil condition quickly and easily on-site. In particular, it is important to determine such oil parameters as water content, viscosity, density and alkalinity reserve in order to ensure smooth and efficient operation of engines, to reduce costs, to save precious resources and to protect the environment.
Portable test devices allow on-site trend monitoring and direct evaluation of test results. The test equipment is not aimed to substitute external laboratory analyses, but in addition it enables operators to independently and accurately check essential oil properties to receive an instant confirmation of the oil quality.
In this regard, Martechnic®’s appropriate sampling equipment in compliance with MARPOL Annex VI helps to draw representative oil samples in an environmentally friendly way in order to obtain precise test results.
Continuous real-time assessment of the critical oil parameters by means of advanced sensor technology provides possibility for effective decision-making and improved maintenance practices depending on the actual condition of the oil.
An excellent location of the company in Hamburg - one of the largest ports in the world – and near the airport offered important logistic advantages to successful worldwide business since 1997. In this respect Martechnic® is able to make direct deliveries on board and to provide airfreight transportation services quickly and safely.
Martechnic® is committed to complying with customer requirements efficiently and reliably.